Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theory, Grenoble-France

In view of the recent appointment of a Chair of Excellence by the 

Nanosciences Foundation in Grenoble, France, outstanding applicants are 

sought to fill a postdoctoral opening in quantum transport theory.

 The postdoctoral work will be guided by the Chair, Prof. Yuli Nazarov 

(TU Delft, Netherlands) in collaboration with Grenoble researchers Julia 

Meyer (CEA), Manuel Houzet (CEA), Denis Feinberg (Institut Néel), Régis 

Melin (Institut Néel), and Frank Hekking (LPMMC). Interactions with the 

large experimental nanoscience community at Grenoble will be encouraged 

as well. The envisioned projects are in the field of superconducting 

nanostructures. Preference will be given to candidates with experience 

in the quantum aspects of condensed matter physics and research 

interests in the general area of superconductivity, mesoscopic physics, 

electron correlations, and disordered systems. Visits by the postdocs to 

Delft to further the collaboration are planned. The position is for one 

year. The candidate will be encouraged to apply for fellowships to 

secure funding for a second year.

Interested individuals should send a CV (including a list of 

publications and statement of research interests) in pdf format to 

Yuli Nazarov at,  or to  Julia Meyer at  and arrange for three letter of recommendation.

Websites for further general information: