Third Annual Greater Boston Area Quantum Matter Meeting
Saturday, April 3, 2010

The goal of this meeting is to provide an informal and supportive forum for discussing research on quantum systems: strongly correlated systems, atomic and optical systems, and mesoscopics. All students, postdocs, and faculty are encouraged to give a talk --- discussion of work in progress and incompletely-formed ideas is welcome.

The meeting will be held at the University of Massachusetts Boston, Campus Center, 3rd floor, 100 William T. Morrissey Blvd., Boston. There will be refreshments from 9:00 to 9:30, and the first session will start at 9:30 am.

This meeting was previously held at Harvard in 2008 and at Boston University in 2009. We follow the format of the Greater Boston Area Statistical Mechanics Meeting, which is held in the fall, and is now in its eleventh year.

This meeting is an Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM) affiliated event.


9:00 - 9:30 am       Bagels, coffee, and tea  
9:30 - 10:30 am Session I  
9:30 - 10:00 am Martin Zwierlein, MIT TBA
10:00 - 10:30 am Contributed talks  
10:30 - 11:00 am Coffee and informal discussions  
11:00 - 12:10 am Session II  
11:00 - 11:30 am Anatoli Polkovnikov, BU Universal dynamics near quantum critical points
11:30 - 12:10 am Contributed talks  
12:15 - 1:20 pm Lunch and Informal Conversations  
1:20 - 2:20 pm Session III  
1:20 - 1:50 pm Contributed talks  
1:50 - 2:20 pm Vesna Mitrovic, Brown University Exotic Field Induced Superconducting States
2:20 - 2:50 pm Coffee and informal discussions  
2:50 - 3:40 pm Session IV  
2:50 - 3:10 pm Contributed talks  
3:10 - 3:40 pm Nikolai Prokofiev, UMass Amherst Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for strongly correlated states
3:40 - 4:10 pm Session V  
3:40 - 4:10 pm Contributed talks  

Contributed talks

PDF or Powerpoint files of the contributed talks should be emailed before the meeting to This will help minimize computer setup time between talks.

Session I

  1. Maxim Olshanii, UMass Boston, "An example of a quantum anomaly in physics of cold atomic gases"
  2. Takuya Kitagawa, Harvard, "Exploring the topological phases with quantum walk"
  3. Mark Rudner, Harvard, "Topological Transitions in Non-Hermitian Quantum Walks"
  4. Rudra Kafle, WPI, "Effect of transverse motion on the coherence time of a free oscillation atom Michelson interferometer in a weakly confining magnetic trap"
  5. Ebubechukwu Ilo-Okeke, WPI, "Phase diffusion of Bose-Einstein condensates in cold-atom interferometers with optical beam splitting and recombination"
  6. Stephen Choi, UMass Boston, "How Measurement induces Quantum to Classical transition in a Quantum Kicked Rotor"

Session II

  1. Rafael Jaramillo, Harvard, "Quantum criticality in pure Cr at high pressure"
  2. EunGook Moon, Harvard, "Quantum critical point shift in the cuprates"
  3. Abolhassan Vaezi, MIT, "Mott transition in the Hubbard Model using Anderson-Zou Slave particle method"
  4. Yang Qi, Harvard, "Effective theory of Fermi pockets in fluctuating antiferromagnets"
  5. Eun-Gook Moon, Harvard, "Quantum Critical Points shift under superconductivity"
  6. David Mross, MIT, "A controlled expansion for certain non-Fermi liquid metals"
  7. John H. Miller, Jr., University of Houston, "Time-Correlated Soliton Tunneling in Charge and Spin Density Waves"
  8. Lode Pollet, Harvard, "Dynamical mean-field solution of the Bose-Hubbard model"
  9. Yejin Huh, Harvard, "Quantum criticality of the kagome antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions"
  10. Max Metlitski, Harvard, "The Ising-nematic transition in two dimensional metals"

Session III

  1. Rudro Rana Biswas, Harvard, "Electronic response of Strong Topological Insulator surface states to isolated impurities"
  2. Dmitry Abanin, Princeton, "Nematic Valley Ordering in Quantum Hall Systems"
  3. Ying Ran, BC, "Composite Fermions and Quantum Hall Stripes on the Topological Insulator Surface"
  4. Yuan-Ming Lu, BC, "Correlation-hole induced oscillatory pfaffian state in the lowest Landau level"
  5. Dima Feldman, Brown Univ., "Quantum Hall plateau transition as a transition between Anderson and band insulators"
  6. Izhar Neder, Harvard, "Few-particle interference in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer"
  7. Chenjie Wang, Brown Univ., "Momentum-resolved electron tunneling into the v=5/2 quantum Hall state"

Session IV

  1. Ying Tang, BU, "Topological Properties of Two-Dimensional Short-Range Resonating-Valence-Bond States"
  2. Erez Berg, Harvard, "Entanglement spectrum of a topological phase in one dimension"
  3. Karla M. Galdamez, UMass Boston, "Microscopic Treatment of Nucleation and the Weyl Transform"
  4. Armin Rahmani, BU, "Quench dynamics of entanglement entropy in the toric code"
  5. Felix Werner, UMass Amherst, "Finite-range corrections for fermions at unitarity"

Session V

  1. Kurt Jacobs, UMass Boston, "Simulating Thermalization for an Arbitrary Quantum System"
  2. Matthew Enjalran, SCSU, "Constrained path/phase QMC for interacting electron systems"
  3. Kavan Modi, National U. Singapore, "Correlations in quantum metrology"
  4. S. Jamal Rahi, MIT, "Scattering Theory Approach to electrodynamic Casimir Interactions"
  5. Chenjie Wang, Brown Univ., "Momentum-resolved electron tunneling into the v=5/2 quantum Hall state"
  6. Thomas Weitz, Harvard, "Coulomb driven broken symmetry states in doubly gated suspended bilayer graphene"
  7. Subir Sachdev, Harvard, "Quantum phase transitions of metals in two dimensions"
Updated 31 March 2010

Registration form

Name: E-mail:
Affiliation: Position:
Would you like to be on the e-mail list for announcements of future meetings?
Would you like to give a 3-4 minute contributed talk?
Title of your talk:
Einstein's miracle year:


The event will be held at

Ballroom, sections A and B
Campus Center, 3rd floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 William T. Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125

  • For direction to UMass, click here. The location of the Campus Center and parking lots is found here.

  • Please park at the North Lot. There should not be any problem with finding a spot. In a (very unlikely) event if the North Lot is busy, proceed to the Lot A. The walk to the Campus Center is 7 min from the North Lot and 10 min from the Lot A.

  • Parking cost is $6 for the whole day.

  • If you are coming by T or train: from JFK/UMass Station, take the Route 2 free shuttle ("JFK library shuttle"). The shuttle will have a "Campus Center" stop among a few others. The ride is about 10 min. On Saturdays, the shuttle runs 7:40 am-7:00 pm every 20 minutes. Click here for more public transportation options.

  • When in Campus Center, take an elevator to the 3rd floor and follow the signs.

    Organizing committee