Harvard Condensed Matter Physics Seminars

Unless noted otherwise, seminars below are held at noon on Thursdays in Lyman 425.
Please contact Heidi Schafer or Julie Schafer (or the host) for more information, or if you would like to meet a speaker.
Travel Directions to the Harvard Physics Department.

FALL 2008

(Past years: Spring 2008, Fall 2007, Spring 2007, Fall 2006, Spring 2006, Fall 2005, 2004-2005, 2003-2004, 2002-2003)

September 18
Efstratios Manousakis, University of Florida
FeAs superconductors

Host: Tim Kaxiras

September 25
Mark Rudner, Harvard University
Topological Transition in a Non-Hermitian Quantum Walk

Host: Subir Sachdev

October 2
Andrei Bernevig, Princeton University
A Unified Description of Unitary and Nonunitary Fractional Quantum Hall states

Host: Subir Sachdev

October 9
Sean Hartnoll, Harvard University
Holographic superconductors

Host: Subir Sachdev

October 16
Marco Fattori, University of Florence
Dipolar interaction in ultra-cold quantum gases: the adventure has just started

Host: Eugene Demler

October 23
Jason Alicea, Caltech
New puzzles in Bismuth subjected to strong magnetic fields

Host: Subir Sachdev

Michael Lawler, Binghamton University and Cornell University
Emergent paramagnetic phases in the hyper-kagome quantum antiferromagnet Na_4Ir_3O_8

Host: Subir Sachdev

October 30
Eun-Ah Kim, Cornell University
Nodal nematic quantum criticality and quasiparticle interference

Host: Subir Sachdev

November 6
Austen Lamacraft, University of Virginia
Motion of an impurity in a one-dimensional quantum liquid

Host: Eugene Demler

November 13

November 20
Focko Meier, Cornell University
Probing Single-Atom Magnetization Curves by Spin-Polarized STM

Host: Jennifer Hoffman

December 4, Lyman 425, noon (NOTE USUAL PLACE AND TIME)
Daniel Loss, University of Basel
Hyperfine Interaction in Quantum Dots, Interacting 2DEGs and Nanotubes

Host: Charles Marcus

December 4, Jefferson 250, 3 PM (NOTE SPECIAL PLACE AND TIME)
J. C. Seamus Davis, Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory (Loeb Lecture)
Atomic Scale Visualization of Electronic Structure in Cuprates: From Mottness to Superconductivity

Hosts: Jennifer Hoffman and Subir Sachdev

Wednesday December 10, Jefferson 250, 3 PM (NOTE SPECIAL DAY, PLACE AND TIME)
J. C. Seamus Davis, Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory (Loeb Lecture)
Imaging the `Fano Lattice' Signature of Heavy Fermion Formation via f-d Hybridization

Hosts: Jennifer Hoffman and Subir Sachdev

December 11, Jefferson 250, 3 PM (NOTE SPECIAL PLACE AND TIME)
J. C. Seamus Davis, Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory (Loeb Lecture)
Identification of the Cuprate Pseudogap State using Quasiparticle Interference Imaging

Hosts: Jennifer Hoffman and Subir Sachdev

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Harvard Physics Department